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May 26, 20243 min read
Lag Ba’Omer
Today marks Lag Ba’Omer, a day of immense rejoicing in honor of the holy Tanna, Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, and this custom can be found in...
May 24, 20245 min read
Parashat Behar
The Shemita Year - There’s Faith and then there’s Deep Faith From HaGaon Rav Yaakov Sasson Shlit”a, The Head of Halacha Yomit (translated...
May 22, 20244 min read
“And They Answered Amen After Her”
Question: If someone blesses me, such as by saying “Be well,” should I answer “Amen”? Answer: The Mishnah Berura (Chapter 215, Subsection...
May 17, 20244 min read
Parashat Emor
Any form of Non-Orthodox Judaism is a pitfall for heresy From HaGaon Rav Yaakov Sasson Shlit”a, The Head of Halacha Yomit (translated by...
May 14, 20243 min read
Rising Before a Torah Scholar
The Torah (Vayikra 19) states: “You shall rise before the elderly and honor the face of an old man and you shall fear your G-d, I am...
May 13, 20245 min read
'From Your Own Flesh Do Not Hide'
The verse (Yeshaya, 58) states: “Will you not share your bread to the hungry and bring the poor who are cast out to your house; when you...
May 10, 20245 min read
Parashat Kedoshim
Why our Barometer for Holiness is Hashem and not our fellow Jew From HaGaon Rav Zevadia HaCohen Shlit”a, The Head of the Batei Din in Tel...
May 9, 20244 min read
One Who Honors the Torah
The Mishnah (Pirkei Avot, Chapter 4) states: “Rabbi Yose says: If one honors the Torah, one himself is honored by people.” This means...
May 8, 20245 min read
Who is Truly Wealthy?
Maran zt”l’s Instructions to “Halacha Yomit” Approximately sixteen years ago in the midst of a Torah discussion with Maran Rabbeinu...
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