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Mayside Books ™

Cooking at 20 Degrees

Cooking at 20 Degrees

100 Recipes for Life at an Angle



Footnotes to a Scoundrel

Love Letter...

Love Letter...

Love Letter To America

Crooked Knight

Crooked Knight

How It All Went Wrong For IEQ



Betrayal and Jealousy



The Scottish Play Unveiled

Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet



The Tragedy of the Danish Prince

Midsummer Night’s

Midsummer Night’s

A Midsummer Night’s Dream: A Tale of Love and Mischief

King Lear

King Lear

Tragedy of Power and Madness

The Tempest

The Tempest

A Tale of Magic and Redemption

Form of Prayers

Form of Prayers

The Form of Prayers

The Faith of Islam

The Faith of Islam

The Faith of Islam

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Mayside Books ™, formerly the Origin of Books, is an Imprint of WireNews Limited. We publish books from time to time; it’s not our primary interest so we’re not out actively soliciting manuscripts.


We consider every book idea that comes our way so if you’ve been turned down by ‘other’ book publishers, give us a shout — we might just be interested.


Founded in 5757 (1997) in New York as the Origin of Books, Mayside Books has access to traditional and digital (print on demand) facilities and solid agreements with distribution outlets that enable us to promote your title effectively.​​


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