by Ram ben Ze'ev

The Nazi regime, under Adolf Hitler's leadership, and the Progressive ideology might appear as two vastly different political entities, at first glance. The former, infamous for its atrocities against Jews during World War II, and the latter, often associated with purported social and political reform. However, a closer examination reveals that there are certain ideological and operational similarities between the two power structures.
One notable similarity between the Nazi regime and the Progressive ideology lies in their approach to centralised authority. The Nazi regime, under Hitler's dictatorship, was characterised by a strong and centralised government. Hitler's authoritarian rule allowed for rapid decision-making and implementation of policies, which, while disastrous in its consequences, was highly efficient.
Progressive ideology, as evident today with its public support for Arab-led terrorism against Israel, inherently exhibits an authoritarian undertone, as it shows a preference for centralised control in opposition to Israel. Progressives often advocate for government intervention in areas such as healthcare, education, and environmental policy, and we can observe their calls for a global response to Israel's actions in defending its citizens against unprovoked atrocities. Although their current stated objectives differ from those of the Nazis, their shared inclination toward centralised authority remains a striking point of comparison. The essential character of Progressive ideology and their apparent hatred of Jews, closely mirrors that of the Nazis.
Both the Nazi regime and Progressive ideology have engaged in social engineering, and as it turns out, their motives and methods are remarkably similar. The Nazis aggressively pursued a eugenics program aimed at "purifying" the Aryan race, which led to forced sterilisations, euthanasia programmes, and eventually the Holocaust, the mass extermination of Jews. Their social engineering efforts were rooted in racial and ethnic superiority.
Progressives, in contrast, outwardly promote social engineering as a means to attain social justice and equality. Policies such as affirmative action, designed to rectify historical inequalities, can be viewed as a form of social engineering. Nevertheless, despite the supporters of this ideology stating their aim is to rectify perceived injustices and inequalities according to their worldview, the outcomes remain consistent.
Both the Nazi regime and Progressive ideology have employed propaganda and manipulation to further their respective agendas. The Nazis used propaganda to promote their extreme ideologies of racial superiority and Jew Hatred. This propaganda machine was instrumental in gaining wide public support for their policies, including the persecution of Jews and other minority groups.
Progressive ideology, too, relies heavily upon the use of propaganda, often publicly framing their policies as necessary for social progress and equality. Just one recent example of their false narrative is the propaganda of a hospital in Gaza that was reported as "destroyed" with more than 500 people killed. This story was simply untrue. The hospital was never bombed. A misfired Arab-terrorist rocket landed in the parking lot of the hospital, killing fewer than 50 people and some reports say around 10 people were killed. Within minutes of the rocket's misfire and exploding in the parking lot of the hospital, the false story was regurgitated by most of the Progressive-controlled media outlets, the supporters of Arab terrorism and millions of useful idiots who collectively focused their lies on the Israeli military and refused to accept the fact that the hospital was still there without blemish. This use of persuasive messaging to promote political agendas is a shared characteristic.
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Identity politics, where individuals are categorised and mobilised based on their racial, ethnic, or other group identities, is another commonality between the Nazi regime and Progressive ideology. The Nazis, driven by their racial theories, promoted Aryan identity and sought to eliminate or subjugate those they considered inferior.
Progressive ideology incorporates identity politics, with a notable focus on white individuals, particularly white heterosexual men. This focus is evident in how topics related to gender, sexual orientation, and race are framed within the context of promoting social justice. Despite publicly stating different motives and goals, both the Nazi regime and Progressive ideology have used identity politics to mobilise support and advance their respective ideologies. One distinctive aspect of Progressive ideology is that those who would typically be marginalised by its policies often emerge as the most vocal proponents of the official narrative. This strongly indicates the significant influence of the established narrative, even to the detriment of individuals within the Mass Formation.
Economically, the Nazi regime and Progressive ideology may appear distinct, but they share similarities in their inclination toward mixed economies with various degrees of state involvement. The Nazis implemented a mixed economy, incorporating aspects of both state control and private enterprise, with a strong emphasis on military production and war preparedness. Progressive ideology leans toward advocating a mixed economy where government intervention plays a role in sectors such as healthcare, education, and environmental regulation to address perceived social and economic inequalities. While the specific areas of focus differ, both exhibit a preference for a combination of public and private sectors in their economic models.
Both the Nazi regime and Progressive ideology have shown tendencies towards centralised authority, social engineering, propaganda, identity politics, and government intervention in specific domains. It is essential to recognise these shared characteristics, especially because, in my opinion, the 'Never Again' mantra and marketing campaign, designed to prevent a repeat of the Nazi regime, have been a profound failure.
Over the past 75 years, the focus on the Nazis and the attribution of blame to past malevolence, as if it were a thing of the past, has allowed that malevolence to adapt and rebrand itself under a different guise, while the actions themselves have remained unchanged. Today, we are witnessing public protests, directed anger, and attacks against Jews in almost every country in the world, a phenomenon that did not occur during the Nazi regime.
Bill White (Ram ben Ze'ev) is CEO of WireNews and Executive Director of Hebrew Synagogue