A senior U.S. Government delegation will travel to the United Arab Emirates to participate in the first meeting of the Negev Forum Working Groups on January 9-10, where they will gather with representatives from the Governments of Bahrain, Egypt, Israel, Morocco, and the United Arab Emirates to advance initiatives to encourage regional integration and cooperation.
The U.S. delegation will include Counselor of the Department Derek Chollet, Senior Official for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs Liz Allen, Assistant Secretary for Arms Control, Verification and Compliance Mallory Stewart, USAID Acting Assistant Administrator for the Bureau of the Middle East Andrew Plitt, Ambassador to the U.N. Food and Agriculture Agencies in Rome Cindy McCain, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs Yael Lempert, USAID Senior Deputy Assistant to the Administrator and Global Water Coordinator for the Bureau of Resilience and Food Security Maura Barry, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for the Middle East Dana Stroul, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Energy Diplomacy Laura Lochman, and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Deputy Director for Infectious Diseases Dr. Jay Butler.
The six Working Groups will focus on the priorities established at the March 2022 Negev Summit: Food Security and Water Technology; Clean Energy; Tourism; Health; Education and Coexistence; and Regional Security. They aim to promote a more integrated and prosperous Middle East and North Africa by demonstrating what can be accomplished by working together to achieve tangible results, overcome shared challenges, and take advantage of opportunities for all the peoples of the region. This framework for regional cooperation also seeks to strengthen the Arab economy and improve the quality of life of the Arab people.