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Op-Ed: It's All Bullshit

COVID-19 is a man-made virus that has been created by Communists to seize more power and cull the masses

by Ram ben Ze'ev

With a survival rate that currently exceeds 96 per cent, COVID-19 is a virus that, at first glance, appears to me to be man-made. While that may sound to you like some conspiracy theory, in my opinion, whether it's a weapon that has been created by the Chinese government to 'take out' the West or by our own government, by the Chinese, is the only real question.

From my perspective, I am leaning toward the latter and I base that opinion on my knowledge of the U.S. government's long history of false flag operations, chemical, biological and nuclear attacks, and the dramatic rise, during the last decade, of Leftists' (read: Communists') control over the Deep State, which while based in the United States, operates on a global basis.

Frankly, from an objective perspective, COVID-19 could not have come at a better time for many nations. In the UK, for example, Prime Minister Boris Johnson's government is faced with having to come up with hard answers as to why the British economy continues its decline, after BREXIT. Enter COVID-19.

COVID-19 allows Johnson's government and all governments around the world uncontrolled spending, under the guise of protecting citizens' health. Government-controlled media is actively ginning up the death numbers as a means of instilling public fear and as we know, if a population is afraid, a majority of the people will look to the government for answers and for protection. How quickly Parliament and the U.S. Congress and the governments of all nations were able to approve limitless spending legislation to supply PPE, vaccine research, and payments to hospitals.

Equally quick, the seasonal flu has disappeared. Annual flu deaths have been replaced with COVID-19 death. Other deaths, usually attributed to various diseases or even accidents have all taken a back seat to COVID-19, which means anyone who dies for any reason, but tests positive for COVID-19 after death, even people who previously reported no symptoms, will have their deaths recorded as COVID-19 deaths. That information is funneled to the media and their full-time job now is to keep you afraid.

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The government will gradually impose more rigid restrictions, including mandatory facemasks, stay-at-home orders, compulsory quarantines, and eventually mandatory or even forced vaccinations.

We are at the beginning of what I predict will eventually be exposed as a global, mass extermination on a scale never before witnessed by man. And while I have no evidence to say this, my gut reaction is that if the government offers a vaccination for COVID-19 before it has been thoroughly tested, I would not take it under any circumstances.


Bill White (Ram ben Ze'ev) is CEO of WireNews and Executive Director of Hebrew Synagogue

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