by Ram ben Ze'ev

The recent acquittal of Daniel Penny in New York is a watershed moment in America’s battle against the corrosive narratives of race and identity politics. Penny, a former Marine, acted to protect fellow train passengers from an erratic and aggressive Jordan Neely, an encounter that tragically resulted in Neely’s death. A jury’s refusal to accept the prosecution’s racially charged arguments sends a resounding message: facts, not feelings or political narratives, must guide justice.
From the outset, Black Lives Matter (BLM) and its allies worked to frame this case as an act of racial violence. Penny, they claimed, acted not out of fear or concern for his fellow passengers but because of Neely’s race. This narrative, by its very nature, implies that Neely’s behaviour—threatening the safety of others on the train—was somehow indicative of the Black community, an implication as unfounded as it is inflammatory.
To accept this premise is to demean and stereotype an entire race, suggesting that threatening others is somehow a "typical" characteristic—an appalling and baseless assertion. This type of rhetoric not only undermines justice but perpetuates the very racism it claims to combat, weaponizing identity to shield criminal behaviour and vilify those who dare to defend themselves. It is a cynical attempt to use racial grievances as a shield for lawlessness, and the jury rightfully saw through it.
The jury’s decision to acquit Daniel Penny demonstrates a rare but refreshing resistance to the pressure of woke narratives. When the judge allowed prosecutors to withdraw the more serious charge last Friday—after the jury declared themselves deadlocked—it was clear that the case was faltering. In a transparent move to find some path to conviction, the prosecution recalibrated its approach, hoping to compel a jury weary of deliberation.
Yet, the jury did not falter. They rejected the manufactured outrage and focused instead on the facts: Daniel Penny acted in defence of innocent people under immediate threat. This verdict is a clear rebuke of the constant accusations that America is an inherently racist country.
In the wake of President Donald Trump’s recent election win, the case reflects a broader cultural shift. Even in a city like New York, long viewed as a bastion of progressive wokeness, Americans are demonstrating a growing rejection of identity politics and the false narratives that stem from it. The acquittal of Daniel Penny is not just a victory for him but for ordinary Americans tired of being vilified for their beliefs, their values, and their actions.
The left-wing establishment, backed by BLM, has for years relied on framing America as irredeemably racist. Yet, this verdict sends a powerful signal: Americans are tired of being manipulated. They are tired of being branded as racists every time they stand up for themselves or their communities.
Jordan Neely’s death was a tragedy, but it was not a racially motivated act of violence. The effort to paint it as such is not only dishonest but dangerous. It distracts from the real issue: the right to self-defence in the face of imminent danger. Allowing identity politics to colour every aspect of public discourse only deepens divisions and undermines trust in the justice system.
America is not a racist country. To perpetuate that lie is to erode the very principles of fairness and unity that this nation strives to uphold. The acquittal of Daniel Penny is a reminder that justice must remain blind, guided by evidence and not the emotional blackmail of race-based narratives.
As Americans move forward, let this case stand as a turning point. The era of wokeness is waning, and with it, the stranglehold of identity politics. Ordinary citizens are sending a clear message: they are done being called racists for demanding fairness. They are done bowing to narratives that divide rather than unite. And they are done apologizing for standing up for what is right.
Bill White (Ram ben Ze'ev) is CEO of WireNews Limited, Mayside Partners Limited, MEADHANAN Agency, Kestrel Assets Limited (developer of MAYCOINS), SpudsToGo Limited and Executive Director of Hebrew Synagogue