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The Fabrication of Egyptian Chronology: A Deliberate Effort to Undermine the Torah

Writer: WireNewsWireNews

by Ram ben Ze'ev

The Fabrication of Egyptian Chronology: A Deliberate Effort to Undermine the Torah
The Fabrication of Egyptian Chronology: A Deliberate Effort to Undermine the Torah

For centuries, עם ישראל (Am Yisrael, the Nation of Israel) has preserved an unbroken historical record, tracing back to בריאת העולם (Beriyat HaOlam, the Creation of the World), as recorded in the תורה (Torah, the Divine Instruction). According to our tradition, we are now in the year 5,785 since creation. Yet, secular historians and מצרים (Mitzrayim, Egypt) scholars have constructed an elaborate and often contradictory timeline, stretching Egyptian history thousands of years beyond what the תורה allows. This artificially extended chronology serves a calculated purpose: to undermine the תורה, obscure השם (Hashem, The Name—G-D)’s divine intervention, and diminish the historical legitimacy of עם ישראל.

The Inflated Egyptian Timeline

Conventional Egyptology places the הממלכה העתיקה (HaMamlacha HaAtika, the Old Kingdom)—the period of pyramid construction—around 2686–2181 BCE. This directly contradicts the תורה, which dates יציאת מצרים (Yetziat Mitzrayim, the Exodus from Egypt) to 1312 BCE. By artificially extending the length of Egyptian history, the אומות העולם (Umot HaOlam, the Nations of the World) attempt to frame the תורה as secondary, a later invention rather than the foundation of all human history.

One of the central figures responsible for this fabrication is מנתון (Manetho), a pagan Egyptian priest writing under Greek rule in the 3rd century BCE. His king lists, which serve as the primary source for modern Egyptian chronology, are riddled with inconsistencies, exaggerated reign lengths, and clear fabrications. He portrays Pharaohs ruling for hundreds of years, contradicting human biology and lifespans recorded in contemporary המזרח הקדום (HaMizrach HaKadum, the Ancient Near East). More importantly, he presents multiple שושלות (shoshalot, dynasties) as ruling one after another, when in reality, evidence suggests that many of these shoshalot ruled simultaneously. If Egyptian dynasties overlapped rather than followed sequentially, then the entire Egyptian timeline must be compressed by at least 700–1000 years.

The Suppression of Historical Evidence

The תורה describes יציאת מצרים as the greatest collapse of Egyptian power in history, a divine punishment that left מצרים broken and humiliated. If this event truly occurred, one would expect a corresponding disruption in the מצרי (Mitzri, Egyptian) record. Indeed, such evidence exists, but secular historians deliberately ignore or dismiss it.

One of the most striking examples is the פפירוס איפוור (Papyrus Ipuwer), which describes:

  • The נילוס (Nilos, Nile) turning to blood

  • Plagues devastating מצרים

  • The collapse of Egyptian society

  • The מכת בכורות (Makat Bechorot, Plague of the Firstborn)

  • The sudden disappearance of slaves

The alignment between this document and פרשת וארא (Parashat Va’era, Exodus 7-10) is unmistakable. However, rather than acknowledging the implications, מצרים scholars claim this text is merely “poetry” or belongs to an “unrelated period”. The refusal to engage with such evidence underscores an ideological bias rather than a commitment to historical accuracy.

Further corroboration comes from the מכתבי אל-עמארנה (Mikhtavei El-Amarna, The Amarna Letters), a collection of diplomatic correspondences from the 14th century BCE, in which כנעני (Kna’ani, Canaanite) rulers plead for מצרי military assistance—assistance that never comes. Secular historians struggle to explain why מצרים, once the dominant power in the region, suddenly lacks the ability to project force. The answer is clear: Yetziat Mitzrayim had already occurred, and מצרים had been crippled, exactly as the תורה records.

Why Would the Nations Fabricate an Alternative History?

The תורה teaches that עשו שונא ליעקב (Esav soneh l’Yaakov, Esau harbors hatred toward Yaakov). This eternal principle manifests as a relentless attempt by the Umot HaOlam to discredit, distort, and erase the historical and divine legacy of Am Yisrael. The Egyptian deception is merely one expression of this broader effort.

By extending Egypt’s timeline, secularists and their allies accomplish several goals:

  1. They Cast Doubt on the Torah – By making מצרים appear to have existed long before the events of בראשית (Bereishit, Genesis) and שמות (Shemot, Exodus), they attempt to frame Jewish history as an afterthought rather than the foundation of civilization.

  2. They Undermine Hashem’s Intervention in the World – If Yetziat Mitzrayim can be dismissed as a later invention, so too can the revelation at הר סיני (Har Sinai, Mount Sinai).

  3. They Glorify Pagan Civilizations Over Torah-Based Monotheism – The longer and more advanced מצרים is made to seem, the more it distracts from the divine mission of Am Yisrael.

Restoring the True Timeline

When we remove the fabrications, the correct history emerges:

  • Creation of the World בריאת העולם (Beriyat HaOlam) occurred in 3760 BCE

  • Our Forefather Avraham אברהם אבינו (Avraham Avinu) enters מצרים around 1813 BCE

  • The Exodus from Egypt יציאת מצרים (Yetziat Mitzrayim) occurs in 1312 BCE, leaving מצרים permanently weakened

  • The exaggerated “Dark Ages” in מצרים disappear when Dynasties שושלות (Shoshalot) are properly understood as overlapping rather than sequential

  • The great pyramids, instead of being relics from an impossibly ancient past, fit within a timeline that aligns with the Torah’s historical framework

The historical records, when examined without secular distortions, do not contradict Torah history—they affirm it. The problem lies not in the evidence but in the deliberate distortions introduced by those who seek to erase Am Yisrael’s divine mission from the world.

The artificial stretching of Egyptian history is not an innocent academic error—it is a calculated effort to undermine the Torah, erase divine intervention, and glorify pagan civilizations over Am Yisrael. However, history has proven that those who attempt to erase עם ישראל ultimately fade into oblivion, while the תורה remains eternal.

Just as Pharaoh failed to erase Am Yisrael from history, so too will all who seek to distort the divine record be swept away. The Torah stands, and with it, the eternal nation of Am Yisrael.


Bill White (Ram ben Ze'ev) is CEO of WireNews Limited, Mayside Partners Limited, MEADHANAN Agency, Kestrel Assets Limited, SpudsToGo Limited and Executive Director of Hebrew Synagogue. Bill White also writes on Substack under the byline "Bill White Says..."

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