In The Jews: An Indigenous People, the final instalment of his seminal Jewish Pride trilogy, Ben M. Freeman takes readers on a powerful journey through 3,000 years of Jewish history. Exploring the origins of Jewish identity and practice and their resonance today, Freeman expertly weaves together anthropology and archaeology while examining globally recognised criteria for indigeneity. Brace yourself as this book boldly reclaims the Jewish narrative, affirming without doubt: Jews are indigenous to Israel.
Ben M. Freeman is the founder of the modern Jewish Pride movement and the author of Jewish Pride: Rebuilding a People (2021), Reclaiming Our Story: The Pursuit of Jewish Pride (2022) and The Jews: An Indigenous People (2025). A Holocaust scholar with nearly twenty years of experience, Freeman gained international prominence during the Corbyn Labour antisemitism crisis and is recognised as a leading Jewish thinker and public intellectual. Ranked number 8 on the inaugural 2023 ‘25 Young Vizionaries’ list by The Jerusalem Post and JNF-USA, Ben also serves as a Jewish Diplomat for the World Jewish Congress and writes a column for The Jerusalem Post.