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Three Landlords Fail to Meet RSH's New Consumer Standards

Writer's picture: WireNewsWireNews

The Regulator of Social Housing has published regulatory judgements for Castle Point Borough Council, North Yorkshire Council, and Warwick District Council

The councils have each failed to meet the outcomes of RSH’s new consumer standards and they have been given a C3 grading, meaning there are serious failings that they need to address.

After carrying out responsive investigations into each council, RSH found that:

Castle Point Borough Council:

  • Has not collected Tenant Satisfaction Measures, which all landlords are required to do annually. As a result, tenants are not supported to effectively scrutinise its performance in delivering landlord services.

North Yorkshire Council:

  • Self-referred to RSH after identifying a range of issues. RSH’s investigation confirmed that the council does not have an accurate or up-to-date understanding of the condition of tenants’ homes.

  • In addition, the council reported that around half of its tenants’ homes do not have an up-to-date electrical condition report. It holds fire safety information across different systems and, as such, it is difficult to identify the number of overdue fire risk assessments and outstanding actions.

  • There was also a lack of information on water hygiene and asbestos. However the council has reviewed its approach to managing these issues and has plans in place to review all risk assessments and complete recommended actions.

Warwick District Council:

  • Also self-referred to RSH because it has over 1,600 overdue fire safety actions which it must address promptly. It also could not evidence that it is meeting legal requirements for carbon monoxide safety.

  • The council also reported that it had not carried out a full stock condition survey since 2016 and, though surveys have now restarted, inaccuracies have been identified by the council in the new data.

  • RSH’s investigation found that the council did not have adequate systems in place to deliver an efficient repairs service for tenants, nor was it recording or responding to complaints effectively.

All three local authorities are engaging constructively with RSH and working to address these issues promptly. In the case of North Yorkshire and Warwick District, they are required to manage and mitigate risks to tenants’ safety as a priority and RSH is engaging intensively with them as they carry out this work.

Kate Dodsworth, Chief of Regulatory Engagement at RSH, said:

It is the responsibility of the landlord to take a proactive approach to providing safe and decent homes for tenants. Health and safety must be a top priority and keeping up-to-date, accurate data is a key part of this . We are working constructively with all three local authorities as they put things right for their tenants. All landlords should refer themselves to us if they are not meeting the outcomes of our standards, rather than wait for an inspection. This allows issues to be identified – and resolved – promptly. They must also ensure they collect TSMs, which gives tenants the information they need to scrutinise their landlord.

In addition, RSH has removed a July 2022 regulatory notice for Incommunities Limited. The landlord had failed to meet the outcomes of the rent standard and it has now resolved these issues.

Notes to Editors

  1. The judgements are a result of RSH’s responsive engagement: where it investigates cases that are referred to it, or identified through ongoing regulatory work. RSH is also carrying out planned inspections of social landlords and the outcomes will be communicated via further regulatory judgements.

  2. RSH promotes a viable, efficient and well-governed social housing sector able to deliver more and better social homes. It does this by setting standards and carrying out robust regulation focusing on driving improvement in social landlords, including local authorities, and ensuring that housing associations are well-governed, financially viable and offer value for money. It takes appropriate action if the outcomes of the standards are not being delivered.

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