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We’ll Never Know Who Killed JFK—Because They Don’t Want Us To

Writer: WireNewsWireNews

by Ram ben Ze'ev

We’ll Never Know Who Killed JFK—Because They Don’t Want Us To
We’ll Never Know Who Killed JFK—Because They Don’t Want Us To

Sixty years on, and the American public is still staring into the fog, waiting for a clear answer that will never come. The assassination of President John F. Kennedy was not only a national tragedy—it was a turning point in the erosion of public trust in government. And with the recent release of more JFK files, we’re once again being thrown crumbs and told to piece together the truth, all while the real answers remain buried—or worse, burned.

Despite the promises made during President Trump’s first term, especially his pledge to fully declassify the JFK files, the latest batch of documents—though revealing—only deepens the suspicion that we’ve been lied to for decades. It is now impossible to escape the most sobering conclusion: we will never know what really happened in Dealey Plaza, because the government doesn’t want us to know.

And perhaps even more chilling: the truth may no longer even exist in documentary form.

Too Much Smoke, No Fire

The documents that have been released hint at everything and prove nothing. We now know Oswald was under CIA and FBI surveillance prior to November 22, 1963. We know he visited the Soviet and Cuban embassies in Mexico City. We know he met with a known KGB assassination expert. We know the CIA withheld critical information from the Warren Commission. We know the FBI received a threat to Oswald’s life the day before Ruby shot him, and did nothing.

But all of this leads only to deeper fog. Because these facts suggest foreknowledge, negligence, and a potential cover-up—but they do not provide a clean chain of evidence.

Why? Because the most incriminating evidence either never existed or no longer exists.

What Wasn’t Recorded Can’t Be Released

Here’s the rub: we keep waiting for the document that proves the CIA, or the FBI, or some faction of our own government orchestrated the killing of a sitting president. But no one orders a political assassination on official letterhead. No high-level plot is archived in a file labelled “Top Secret: Regicide.”

The most damning parts of this story were likely never written down. And if they were, they’ve long since been destroyed by those with both motive and opportunity. We're not just talking about a conspiracy to kill a president—we're talking about a multi-generational conspiracy to bury the truth.

And the bureaucracy is complicit. Every agency, from Langley to Quantico, has had six decades to erase, redact, or misplace whatever needed hiding. The deeper one digs, the more clear it becomes: the cover-up was never about protecting national security—it was about protecting the system.

The Lie Endures

We’ve been fed a fairytale since 1963: that a lone drifter with a $20 rifle altered the course of American history in six seconds. That same man, Lee Harvey Oswald, was gunned down by Jack Ruby—an emotionally charged strip club owner with mob ties—before he could speak in court.

And we’re expected to believe that all of this happened with no deeper connections, no coordination, and no complicity? That’s not just implausible—it’s insulting.

No Trust Without Truth

The enduring tragedy isn’t just the death of JFK. It’s the death of truth. And as long as our government chooses secrecy over accountability, we should expect nothing different in the future. Today it’s Kennedy. Tomorrow it’s something else. The machine continues to function, not because it’s clean, but because it has mastered the art of appearing clean.

We were promised the truth. Instead, we got another stack of redacted reports, contradictions, and vanishing evidence.

If the truth hasn’t come out in 60 years, it’s because it was never meant to.

And that, perhaps more than anything, is the clearest sign of guilt.


Bill White (Ram ben Ze'ev) is CEO of WireNews Limited, Mayside Partners Limited, MEADHANAN Agency, Kestrel Assets Limited, SpudsToGo Limited and Executive Director of Hebrew Synagogue. Bill White also writes on Substack under the byline "Bill White Says..."

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